Kalaam Telecom is committed to effective corporate governance, as this is an integral part of the company’s core values, which include transparency, integrity, honesty, and accountability.
Effective Corporate Governance entails deployment of several key instruments and collaborative efforts from the Board of Directors, Board sub-committees and senior management with effective key support roles from Internal Audit and other assurance providers to govern the operations within the company.
In accordance with Corporate Governance Code of Conduct 2018 issued by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MOICT) and in line with international best practices, Kalaam has updated a comprehensive Corporate Governance framework to be structured around the following principles:
• The Company shall be headed by an effective, qualified and expert Board
• The Directors and Executive Management shall have full loyalty to the Company.
• The Board shall have rigorous controls for financial audit and reporting, internal control, and compliance with the law.
• The Company shall have effective procedures for appointment, training, and evaluation of the Directors.
• The Company shall remunerate directors fairly and responsibly.
• The board shall establish a clear and efficient management structure with defined job titles, powers, roles and responsibilities.
• The Company shall communicate with shareholders, encourage their participation, and respect their rights.
• The Company shall disclose its corporate governance.
• The Board shall ensure the integrity of the financial statements submitted to shareholders by appointing External Auditors.
• The Company shall seek through social responsibility to exercise its role as a good citizen.